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Really Dumb Things They Said

Far-Left Cong. Candidate Loses After Promise to Close the Pentagon



Far-Left Cong. Candidate Loses After Promise to Close the Pentagon

Barry Nussbaum: Hello, and welcome to ATP’s, Really Dumb Things, They Said. I’m Barry Nussbaum. A then associated with the campaign of left-wing progressive congressional candidate Nina Turner, protested for health care to be paid for by, get this dismantling the Pentagon.

No more Defense Department. This position raised eyebrows with the tens of thousands of veterans in the Ohio district where she’s been campaigning, and her campaign disavowed the ban, but after that distancing, it was revealed that her campaign has been paying the owner of the band, like $5,000 for a couple of months to drive around her district with that specific messaging.

After Turner disavowed the messaging because it was hurting her campaign support it was revealed that she had previously put forward the exact same proposal several times. Basically, saying that America needs armed forces, but not anymore because the Pentagon was the cause of the climate crisis.

Her dumb campaign positions no doubt led to her getting trounced in the recent Democratic primary. In spite of support from socialist-communist senator Bernie Sanders, and avowed radical Attorney General Keith Ellison of Minnesota.

You can say dumb things, but sometimes you get busted. Turner got busted.


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