Katie Hopkins Report
Kids in UK Get $30k COVID Fine!
Kids in UK Get $30k COVID Fine!
Barry Nussbaum: Hello and welcome to ATP Report. I’m Barry Nussbaum. Joining me again today is the beautiful, talented, and brilliant Katie Hopkins.
Katie Hopkins: I came after a bit of an oversell Barry people are now expecting those things. I may underdeliver. It’s a concern.
Barry Nussbaum: I think it’s accurate. So just play along, okay? I’m astounded by the agreement among three people that I don’t think have ever agreed on anything.
Donald Trump Jr., AOC, and Senator Ted Cruz from Texas, two conservatives and one communist are on the same page on this wacky series of trading platforms that are all involved in Robinhood. What’s going on?
Katie Hopkins: Yes. So very brief that somebody on Reddit, a social media platform, recognized that traders were trying to short the market over a particular share offering from GameStop and encouraged Reddit users to get involved.
They were making a huge amount of money by kind of gaming the system. In order to stop the little people from making money, some of them making four thousand dollars a go. Some of it looked like they were going to be able to bankrupt some of these hedge funds that had gambled very heavily on this stock.
What happened was these trading platforms called Robinhood and others stopped the trades of the little people in order to protect the hedge funds of the big powerful people. What it did, of course, it blew up this idea that, hold on, not only are we powerless, not only are we having our elections messed around with now that the stock market isn’t, as it seems, either.
The little guy isn’t allowed to make money. But the point of this is that what happened is the AOC, Ted Cruz, Donald Trump Jr, all ended up in agreement, of course, that this was wrong. What I think is almost lovely about this story, not only is it a great sort of parable of the little guy getting their voice heard, but it is actually a great thing when AOC, Ted Cruz, and Donald Trump Jr. could agree on a point.
I think that is a very great thing, that people can put politics aside and just go for what is right over what is wrong. That’s what happened at this moment and I think we need more of that.
Barry Nussbaum: Oh, no question. But consensus-building seems to have gone down the toilet right around the time Biden got inaugurated.
Katie Hopkins: Yes, true.
Barry Nussbaum: I don’t think we’re going to expect to see more of it.
Katie Hopkins: No.
Barry Nussbaum: Speaking of crazy times, we’ve got some really wacky stuff happening in the U.S., but it’s even worse in the UK when we’re talking about enforcement of these lockdown restrictions relating to the governmental response to COVID. I’m hearing stories about people being arrested for the most bizarre charges. Can you detail a couple of those? What’s going on over there?
Katie Hopkins: Yeah, sure. So, in the UK, and without a word of exaggeration for effect, it’s illegal to leave your home right now. If you go out, you’re allowed to go out once a week to do some shopping, get groceries, no stores are open.
You’re not allowed further than seven miles, that is the radius from your home. You’re only allowed to exercise once a day alone and in a way that isn’t as bad in itself, it’s the draconian policing of that. So, we had a gentleman yesterday wrestled to the floor in a supermarket for wearing his mask incorrectly.
Then we have two children, which was a thing I loved, organized this kind of spontaneous snowball fight because we just had snow here and it ended up it was a lovely thing. It was all these kids outside throwing snowballs, strangers who didn’t know each other, all, you know, all over the place.
They got these two kids and they fined them £10,000. So, $15,000 each for being part of coordinating a snowball fight. I mean, it just is enough to kind of make you weep for- where did we lose our, you know, the Brits are supposed to be known for our sense of humor and our personality.
Somewhere along the line, or for being in sort of begrudging and grumpy, but where’s our fun gone? You know, how are we doing this to our own people? I tell you, Barry, even though the British aren’t very good at an uprising.
There is a large number of people who really, really have had enough. You know, this is now pushing people beyond anything we’ve ever known. We’ve never seen anything like this.
Barry Nussbaum: Well, I have a story similar not as bad. I was at the supermarket here and I was checking out and the lady behind the counter who was checking out my groceries said to me, “Hey, how you are doing?”
And I said, “Great, how are you doing?” “Great”, and then she said, “Sir, I need to ask you to pull your mask up a little higher. I can see the bridge of your nose,” and I said, “Okay”. So, I pulled it up and she said, “It’s for my protection.”
I said, “Okay”. Then she gave me the total and I was paying, and she leaned over, and she said, “I’m really sorry. I had to say that. I think this is all stupid and I just want to apologize personally. I don’t think I should have to say something like that to you.”
Keep in mind, she was behind a plexiglass barrier. I mean, I would have had to go up eight feet and down the other side to get a germ on her and she still had to say it. But at least she had the humanity to smile and give me a private apology.
Katie Hopkins: Oh, I just, I find it emotional because I think that’s where a lot of people have got to. I had somebody- I was out running and they cycled past me and they shouted at me because I had my headphones on, and they were on the side.
I caught up with them later and said, “You don’t need to shout when you’re cycling by.” And the lady said, “Yeah, I’m sorry, I didn’t really mean it.” And I think that’s one of the things we’ve got to a point where people are so sort of uptight that they say things and they know they don’t want to say it.
You know, they are almost regretful, as they’re saying it. That sort of angry, they can’t let it out, and then when it comes out, they feel bad. So, I’m sorry. That’s such a sweet story. What a sweet lady for saying that.
Barry Nussbaum: Well, I got the apology and so did you but meanwhile, we’re being deluged over here with rules that are changing every 12 minutes.
So, your family has a conflict, I understand a mom and dad want to get the vaccine and you don’t think it’s a good idea. How are you going to resolve it?
Katie Hopkins: Yeah, and that really happened when I went to the States. When I left, it was all in order and Mom knew it was crazy. She was healthy, Dad’s healthy. They weren’t going to have it. I left to the States for three weeks and one of my family members who works in socialized health care kind at got them.
I came back and it turns out they’ve signed up and they’re waiting for their appointment. I don’t know, Barry I feel dreadful in all sorts of ways because I don’t want to be the annoying kid that tries to put the parents off. What if mom didn’t get it and the vaccine could have been helpful?
I mean, I don’t know. I’m a skeptic, but and then also I feel that what if Mom does get it? And my dad but my mom and what if something happened to her? What if she were one of the ones who got poorly afterward and then I would really want to turn on this family member?
So, I have all of this stuff going on and normally I feel quite in control of my life, but I don’t feel in control of this. So, at the moment, I’m biting my tongue. I’m keeping my tongue, and trying to just say, well, they must do whatever they want to do, but that feels wrong.
Barry Nussbaum: Oh, so what do you make of these rumors out there, Katie, that airlines are going to say not only do you have to have a test that shows your COVID free to get on a plane, but you may have to show your COVID green card, meaning, look, I got a vaccination and if you don’t, you can’t get on a plane.
Katie Hopkins: I believe that’s absolutely already here. I mean, we were told by the British government vaccination passports weren’t going to be a thing. I have in my email inbox from somebody on the inside the government contract for a supplier already producing and supplying a vaccine passport.
It’s absolutely coming. It’s absolutely on its way here. I fear there’s going to be- I don’t know what it means for travel for people like you or me in the future, but it’s a real concern. What’s also a concern is we’re always being lied to.
You know, you have someone on TV saying one thing and then in my inbox, I’ve got the paperwork showing just the opposite is true. So, yeah, I absolutely think it’s coming our way.
Barry Nussbaum: So, here’s my vaccine question that I ask that nobody seems to give me an answer. We had dinner the other night with a couple of medical doctors and I asked the husband and wife, they’re both doctors and they were clueless.
I’m going to ask you, I know you’re not a doctor, but I know you’re super connected. If a great deal of people gets the vaccine like a, ridiculous number 70 or 80 percent of the population and certain people say, you know, I’m just not comfortable with it.
I don’t believe the efficacy. Maybe it works for version one, but now we’re up to five or six or seven mutations and nobody knows. They really don’t. There’s been no research. Why should the person who doesn’t have a vaccine need to be discriminated against by people that do have it, because, quite frankly, just to make the example personal, if I don’t get it and you do, why do you care that I didn’t? Because I can’t infect you. Because you’ve been vaccinated. Can you explain that to me? I don’t get it.
Katie Hopkins: No, and there is no logic behind it other than I know exactly what you’re talking about because they try and force the normal flu vaccine into our children. So, my seven-year-old, they try and force it in school. When you are part of the group that says, “No, I’m not having it.
I’ve never had it for my son because he’s healthy.” I’m told that it’s a selfish attitude because I should have him vaccinated in order to protect the elderly who might catch it. Whereas I always have your view as well, which is, well, if the elderly person wants to have the vaccination, good for them.
I applaud them. No problem. It doesn’t and shouldn’t affect my son. When people say, “Yes, but it’s all about the herd”, you know, I think, well, I’m not a sheep. My son isn’t part of the flock and we are individuals.
It just seems to me as well, isn’t it, that the other side they flex with my body, my choice for certain things, which are vile things often that involve the end of life. But when it comes to vaccination, my body, my choice is thrown out the window and individual choice is nowhere to be found.
Barry Nussbaum: Yeah, and to be really succinct about the question, if using my scenario, Katie, you got the vaccine and you believe it works and the scientists tell you it does.
Katie Hopkins: Yes.
Barry Nussbaum: The pharmaceutical tells you it does, and the Ministry of Health tells you it does. Why do you care if I got it or not?
Katie Hopkins: Right. It’s also this weird group thing, isn’t it? You know, people in the UK are mad at the moment because some people went to Dubai. Part of me is like, you know, what if they’ve gone to Dubai, so what.
You’re just angry because they’re having some fun. As long as they weren’t the ones that locked you down don’t be angry at the people having fun, be angry at the government that’s stopping you from having fun. We misdirect anger, I think, very easily these days.
Barry Nussbaum: Well, we’ve got some weird times coming, young lady, because I think it’s going to get to the point where those mysterious passports people are going to be flashing them on Facebook.
You know, for a long-time people were putting on their profile: Save Lives, Stay Home. Masks Save Lives, I’m Wearing One. The next one’s going to be: I got my vaccine passport, did you? That’s coming.
Katie Hopkins: Horrible people, they just love the moral high ground. I always say to people, you know, if you stand too high up on the moral high ground, when I look up, I can see you’re not wearing any underwear.
Barry Nussbaum: Okay, I’m officially stealing that one. That was brilliant. Thanks, Katie for coming on today, and thank you out there in ATP Land for tuning in. I want to remind everybody, please subscribe to our text message alert system.
We need a way to reach you directly should social media well stumble along the way. All you have to do is text the word TRUTH to 88202. We’ll sign you up for free. You’ll get all of Katie Hopkins every week and all our other stuff, too, for free on your phone. For ATP Report and for Katie, thanks for joining us. I’m, Barry Nussbaum.
Katie Hopkins Report
Europe Bans Covid Vaccine
Barry Nussbaum: Hello and welcome to ATP Report. It’s another Katie and Barry show with the beautiful, brilliant, and talented Katie Hopkins joining us from sunny southern Mexico. Hi, Katie.
Katie Hopkins: Thanks for saying those nice things. Yes, it’s great to be here in Mexico because the people here have to work to eat. They’re still out there out and about very different than locked down Britain.
Barry Nussbaum: I bet. Speaking of Britain, there is a massive controversy on the European continent, and it concerns a difference of opinion between the UK and the EU.
There are incredible numbers of reports coming out of Europe relating to the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine causing, literally, brain clots, seizures, and deaths, and the EU has a different opinion than the UK. Let’s start with this. What countries are involved, are upset, and are now restricting the use of the vaccine?
Katie Hopkins: Well, the list Barry is, I think, shocking in itself. I’m just going to read you through the ones that we know of for certain right now, Austria. Austria, actually, we should pause on because Austria had three women under the age of 45 all have very serious and traumatic clots after having the vaccine.
One of those went on to die, two had to go to the ICU. Austria was really the starting point. Okay, the list of countries that have now suspended it Austria, Estonia, Latvia, Luxembourg, Lithuania, Romania, Denmark, Norway, Iceland, Netherlands, Ireland, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Slovenia, Cyprus, Sweden has all banned the AstraZeneca vaccine.
Barry Nussbaum: Wow because it’s causing clots in the brain and seizures in the brain. Is that correct?
Katie Hopkins: Yes, it’s a sort of a deep vein thrombosis, which some I don’t know. My mom, for example, had DVT in her little legs because of her veins. So, it’s clotting in veins, but then at a very serious level, clearly causing the death of certain individuals. There are different stories going on, Barry.
In Germany, the Minister of Health has come out and said that the incidence of clotting after taking the AstraZeneca vaccine is three or four times higher than it should be, i.e., in a normal population. That seems to be the story that’s coming from these countries that have suspended it.
However, official data, AstraZeneca, the British government are all saying, “No, no, no, that’s nonsense. There’s no more incidence of clotting than you would expect.” Which one do you believe?
Barry Nussbaum: I don’t know. I mean, neither one of us are doctors, but when you have almost the entire continent of Europe and countries on the other side in the British Isles all saying no more use of the vaccine.
This is not a rumor. This is not something minor. This is not something statistically, numerically inappropriate to base a country’s policy on. This is some serious stuff.
Katie Hopkins: I mean, it really is, and the other thing, Barry, I really feel we lose track of this. We get so far down these rabbit holes, right? No, take the vaccine. This population is that. This population is that. There are this many clots in this many people.
The real conversation, I think, or at some level, is, were you more at risk from COVID, or are you now in a worse position because you had the vaccine? What I mean is we’ve gone a long way away from 99.7% of people who could have COVID and have no serious side effects and be perfectly fine.
So why do you then find yourself taking a vaccine and then having a vaccine that ends up in the example of Austria with you either in intensive care or losing your life when for a 45-year-old woman, COVID was typically not going to have any impact on you whatsoever?
I mean, it is just gut-wrenching, and it’s gut-wrenching for me, Barry, that the British government is still pushing this vaccine on people as we speak. People are receiving this vaccine as others suspend it, and Boris Johnson says, “Oh, they are just being kind of childish about the fact we voted Brexit.”
He says, “It’s in retaliation for Brexit.” I mean, are we talking politics here, or are we talking medicine and health? Which is it, you know, or is it crossed?
Barry Nussbaum: Well, you know, that’s a really interesting comment because I think your insight is right. It’s spot on when you have them, well, I guess you’d call it the people’s reports pouring in from country after country after country.
And finally, the Governments across Europe are saying immediate emergency halt to all inoculations using this formula. Then the UK is off in a field by itself, saying, “No, no, no, it’s just politics.”
When country after country after country after country after country, which you listed. I can’t even believe the list. It’s growing daily, are suspending the use of this. It’s not politics. They’re trying to save lives. Right?
Katie Hopkins: Right.
Barry Nussbaum: The vaccine presents a risk to the population that is worse than COVID. In other words, in the eyes of the legislatures, the ruling parties, the governments of these countries, or all of the above, say you’re more at risk from the vaccine than you are from getting a very bad flu, which happens to be called COVID-19.
Ergo, take the risk of the vaccine away if you get COVID, well, you have a better chance, and you’re not going to get a brain tumor. That should be really, really disconcerting, don’t you think?
Katie Hopkins: Absolutely. I think and geographically speaking, if I see this from a British perspective, we have Ireland who is just rubbing shoulders with us. It’s the little island next door to us. Ireland is saying, “No, we don’t want it. We won’t have it.”
So, our closest neighbor, part of Great Britain, is saying “No,” and yet England is still persisting. One of the things I always want to ask politicians at this kind of juncture, I’d love to be in front of them, in their face, you know, and ask them, would you give it to your child? You know, and I don’t mean the baby or something.
That’s outrageous. But I mean to your twenty-four-year-old son? You’re thirty-five-year-old daughter? Would you give them this vaccine? Because I really wonder about that. Do politicians preach this out to the people but then protect their own? Are they making sure that their family members don’t get this particular sort of vaccine because it’s high risk?
And why are people prepared to take these risks with their own lives? Do people value their- do we brainwash them so completely that they lost all sense of what is good for them and what is bad? I think the answer to that clearly is, yes, we did. You know, people have been brainwashed, and it really has worked.
Barry Nussbaum: Yeah, let me ask you a question that I ask everybody this, and nobody gives me an answer that is logical, at least in my perception. Maybe such a wise woman as yourself will be able to answer for me.
If everybody is getting the vaccine, right? And you believe it works. You don’t want the vaccine, right, but everyone else has it. Why are people so mad at you for not getting it? In other words, if you get on a plane and you’re the only one on the plane without the vaccine, and everyone else has it, then they’re immune, aren’t they?
Why do they want to force it on you? Why do they not want you to travel? Why do they not want you to be able to interact with businesses? Why do you have to be segregated if a vaccine works? Then it works, and if it doesn’t, well, then it doesn’t and don’t get it. Can you explain that? Because I don’t understand that concept.
Katie Hopkins: Right. It’s an absolutely bonkers notion when you start to pull back to any arguments the left has used historically to fix my body, my choice. You know, that then gets ripped up when it comes to this scenario because this is something, they do want you to believe in.
Actually, on my plane journey here to Mexico, I read this pamphlet off of leaflets that someone sent to me from inside our socialized health care system. It was essentially a script for how you persuade people at different ages that they should have the vaccine. So, it was basically like the sort of a way of convincing people that don’t want to have it why they should have it.
It gave horrible examples of how your grandchildren will be more proud of you if you have it than if you don’t, kind of emotive coercive manipulation techniques for persuading people to have it. So, you know, you add that kind of scripting that’s coming from inside the NHS to a vaccine with proven detrimental health side effects, and suddenly this is real evil that’s happening in front of our very eyes.
I think you and I would both say it wouldn’t be something we would be going anywhere near. But then, of course, people say, “Well, I want to be able to go on holiday. I want to be able to go to a bar or restaurant.” They start to, you know, British people are already accepting there’s going to be a vaccine passport.
Are you going to be part of the in-team that has got it, or are you going to be left on the outside? That’s the sort of conversations people are having, I guess.
Barry Nussbaum: So why? If you know or can explain it to me, do I have to get it? If you got it and you’re immune, and I can’t infect you, why do you care if I have it?
Katie Hopkins: I think it’s this weird sense that if you don’t, you might persuade someone else they shouldn’t. Then if they persuade another two people, they won’t either. Then all of a sudden, our system of ultimate compliance and state control will fail. I think that’s where masks have been such a good way for the states to be able to test.
Can I get people to comply? In the British example, every single time they’ve realized, yes, we can. We can take this from them, and they’ll say nothing. We can mask them, and they’ll say nothing. As long as we keep paying them, they’ll do whatever we say.
It makes me very ashamed, Barry, that that is certainly what’s gone on. And that sense of coercion from your neighbors is absolutely strongly felt in the UK.
Barry Nussbaum: Well, thanks for explaining it to me. It’s horrifying if that is the right answer because that is really scary because it’s a very slippery slope to totalitarianism when that kind of logic is accepted by the majority of our citizenry.
Katie Hopkins: We wanted to tell you one other thing, Barry, sorry to dive in. I just saw it on the news. I think it’s been pushed out hard. A professional sort of celebrity cellist has had his vaccine saying, get this for his scripted narrative. Had his vaccine, he was so overwhelmed with emotion and joy at having the vaccine.
He got in his cello and started playing a cello concerto in the room where he had his vaccine, and the media just happened to be there to film it. So, vaccines make you play cello concertos. Okay, good, good. Just normal. Fine.
Barry Nussbaum: Yeah, and that was just a coincidence that they showed up with camera crews.
Katie Hopkins: Oh, just pure chance, Barry, pure chance.
Barry Nussbaum: Thanks, Katie. I sure appreciate your time today, and I appreciate your insight; and I hope you’re wrong, but I don’t think you are. Sadly. So, thank you for Katie Hopkins today, and thank you for me, Barry Nussbaum, for joining us on ATP Report.
Katie Hopkins Report
Is the Royal Family Really Racist?
Barry Nussbaum: Hello and welcome to ATP Report. It’s the Katie and Barry show, which means Katie Hopkins is here with us today, but in North America, no longer in Britain. Hi, Katie.
Katie Hopkins: Nearly in North America, proper, yeah. But as it happens here, where I am in Mexico, my Wi-Fi is actually better than at my home address in the UK. Who’d have thought it?
Barry Nussbaum: Exactly, way to go, Mexico. I want to ask you about something that seems a little bit silly, but it’s all anybody’s talking about in the United States, with the exception of Biden falling asleep on camera.
That is your royal family and the big blow-up with Oprah that happened a couple of days ago. You were telling me that you actually know Piers Morgan, and let’s start with that. He walked off the morning show on live camera, and you have an inside scoop. Why did he do it?
Katie Hopkins: Yeah, absolutely. Piers and I were kind of brother and sister, so to speak, on MailOnline. He was the lead columnist, and I was the female lead columnist. We go back a fair old way. He invited me to his highly sought-after Christmas party. I have to add that I did not go.
But Piers Morgan is, you know, he knows the game he’s playing. He’s a brilliant, brilliant media operator. You may love him. You may hate him, but he is such a sophisticated user of the media. He walked off because he had been deluged by criticism, and Piers doesn’t take criticism well.
More complaints through the official regulator Ofcom than ever in any program in history. Forty-one thousand complaints. Meghan Markle herself complaining to the show, which would have terrified the producers. I think, and I believe he was told he had to make an on-air apology and a written apology.
He refused, and so he walked off. Now, of course, he’s being lorded in many quarters as a kind of ambassador for free speech. Whereas really, the row was about the fact that he said he didn’t believe Meghan Markle’s mental health story.
Barry Nussbaum: Well, you know, I watched the Oprah thing, and without knowing the background and without having anything verified, anybody can say anything. Once it goes out into the public, it becomes, well, semi, if not completely factual in the minds of the vast majority of viewers.
I mean, the biggest question from America’s perspective right now is you have a lady in the royal family who left the royal family with her husband, who was in line succession to be King someday, possibly over, among other things, a claim by her and her husband that the royal family is racist. What do you make of it?
Katie Hopkins: This is the thing, Barry. You’re a media operator. You know how this works. If you were Oprah, what’s the one thing you want out of Meghan for that interview? You want some scoop about color and the royal family.
You want something on that because you want that to be the explosive issue. What’s the most and the easiest way to detonate a hand grenade in a room in America right now? It is to whip up the Black Lives Matter movement, and Meghan Markle is a sophisticated expert at segmenting people according to victim status and weaponizing it.
he did it when she spoke about her miscarriage. Very sad, but that has a certain amount of sort of power to her. Then it became mental health. We saw this with Oprah. She said she was suicidal but that no one cared. So now she’s got mental health. Then, they questioned Archie’s color. They said he would be too black. Now she’s got the Black Lives Matter ticket, as well.
She basically lined up every victimhood status you can have, and she made it- you can’t criticize any of those things as Piers Morgan learned to his cost. My personal opinion, Barry, has been that she is a manipulator. I completely agree with Piers’ opinion that she’ll make up anything to advance herself.
My biggest question of all to make is, and it remains unanswered, is why on earth did she marry into that family when it’s perfectly obvious it’s not a normal setup? No one goes into that thinking it’s going to be like, oh yeah, a regular mom and dad, you know, a regular grandma. She’s the Queen. It’s different. Get over it.
Barry Nussbaum: Well, look, we really don’t know. I happen to personally have a great aversion to unnamed sources. I just hate it, and the one thing she did was she unnamed, the one unnamed source. Which is it didn’t come from the Queen or her husband.
This leaves out, well, everybody else in the family, plus the firm with an unsubstantiated claim of, well, racism. We don’t know what we don’t know, so it’s very hard to opine. I want to respond to something you just said about manipulation.
I saw about two dozen Instagram posts that she put up long before she was in the royal family. Very sexy, provocative poses with various guys in various situations. She looked like an Instagram media darling. You know, hey, look at me, I’m at a party. Hey, look at me, I’m at the beach. That kind of thing, you know.
Those posts, I understand, were swept away when she entered the royal family. But people capture that stuff. Like they say, the Internet is forever. It seems to me she knows very well, based on her background, how to get press. Does that seem accurate to you?
Katie Hopkins: I think that’s entirely fair. This history of manipulation is there. The history of being in front of cameras and wanting to be in front of cameras and wanting attention is absolutely there. Right back from when she used to, you know, she was a perfume model for a while.
Where she held the bottle of perfume looking pretty. When she was an actress, she was white. That is on her CV, that she is a white actress. She’s just learned now, of course, that it’s much more valuable for her to be definitely very black indeed.
Then there are other stories that are far darker, like her wearing Princess Lady Diana’s perfume to her first date with Prince Harry. From a female’s perspective, one of the things men relate to, you can always smell your mother.
I can smell. I know what my mom smells like. You bring in a new girlfriend who now smells like the mother I no longer have, you’ve got someone there who is a next-level operator in terms of being able to manipulate people.
The thing is, she does it all the while, Barry, with this face on. I really want to get hold of her little cheeks and go (shaking cheeks) a little because she does it with this ‘I’m so pious face,’ and you know, that face is acted as well. That isn’t a real face.
Barry Nussbaum: Well, someday we may know the truth, Katie. But we may never know because the royals have circled the wagons, so to speak, and the firm that runs the royal family, the non-royals, who are the support staff, permanently have circled the wagons.
We may never know. I do want to ask you one quick political question in regard to all of this. You know, I was reading that the royal family began having its powers limited by the people outside the royal family going back in the 15th and 16th century first with the House of Lords and then the House of Commons and then the royal family having great power.
But now, it’s mostly limited and mostly ceremonial. We seem to be going in the opposite direction in the United States. Where we don’t have a royal family but now the legislature is being bypassed dramatically by the White House which is being led by somebody who obviously isn’t leading but is being manipulated by unseen forces.
Do you find it ironic that Britain seems to have tried to give its people more power while at the same time powers are being limited of the people in the United States?
Katie Hopkins: It’s really strange. That’s such a great observation, Barry, and I hadn’t really thought about it that way but it’s absolutely true. You know, the Queen and her family are very much figureheads. Someone we look to, and actually the really sweet thing is she’s seen, well, I don’t know, 20 prime ministers, maybe more come and go.
It is always a sort of, it reminds you of the pecking order of things when a new prime minister arrives, and it’s all kind of puffed up and feeling very powerful. The Queen sort of pats him on the head and goes, yes, yes, you’ll come, and you’ll go. But you’re right.
We have that power pushed away from the monarchy and back to the people. It is almost as if Biden has gone into some weird position as King, where no one can touch him, no one can talk to him. You can’t ask him questions. He’s put himself behind a massive wall.
He lives in his castle, and he sends out his minions, and we don’t see him or hear from him. It reminds me of those presidents that, you know, in Algeria, their president is supposed to be dead but pretending to be alive. You know how long before that happens in America as well? If Biden died, would anyone tell us?
Barry Nussbaum: Well, certainly it wouldn’t be the press, Katie, because they’re not allowed to talk to him. Thanks for coming on today all the way from Mexico. We appreciate you very much.
I want to remind our viewers who haven’t yet subscribed to please send the message TRUTH to 88202. We’ll sign you up. You’ll get all of us for free on your cell phone always. For Katie Hopkins. I’m Barry Nussbaum thanks for coming to ATP Report.
Katie Hopkins Report
Katie Hopkins: No Jab! No Job!
Katie Hopkins: Hello from me. Katie Hopkins here on behalf of ATP American Truth Project. If you aren’t already a family member here at ATP, why not text us? It’s absolutely free in the USA. You just text the word TRUTH to 88202, and we can send all of our content straight to your phone. Absolutely free.
I want to bring you four key points from Europe as part of your daily briefing from me here in the cloudy and gray UK. The UK is enduring one of the harshest lockdowns still that there are. We have the sixth harshest lockdown on the planet according to academics from Oxford University and the second harshest lockdown in Western Europe.
I don’t know why I’m smiling. We’re behind Cuba, Eritrea, Honduras, Lebanon and Peru, and Ireland. Of course, many of those places are no strangers to military coups and indeed breed lines. It’s just something here in the UK we’re not that used to. I believe here that lockdown isn’t the destination. It’s not the endpoint.
Lockdown is just a mechanism to forcing vaccines on us through the back door, as it were. We’re just finding out that there is now going to be testing for all our children as young as seven to be able to go back to school.
I’ve got letters from parents saying if you don’t test your child, you don’t get to send them back to school. So, I mean, it’s sort of like blackmail. It’s certainly coercion. If you want a school place for your child, you have to have them tested.
We have no jab, no job. New job contracts coming into place that if you don’t have the vaccine, you can’t be employed by this employer. I’m certain that here in the UK we’re going to see vaccine passports very soon, meaning that if you don’t have the vaccine, you become a kind of social outcast. You become incredibly isolated.
The other thing I want to talk to you about is an unbelievable police campaign here in the UK. I’m just getting an image of it for you, where Merseyside Police had this on a van in a city center as part of their communication campaign to get people to record and to call into the police with hate crimes that they feel that they’ve been threatened with.
“Being offensive is an offense.” This was an actual communication put on a van in a city center in the UK. “Being offensive is an offense.” Now, Merseyside Police have tried to walk that back a little bit but let’s not forget, this is kind of a reality in the UK. I have been interviewed under caution for being offensive.
Of course, this had to get through layers of sign-off, didn’t it? Someone had to sign off on this and they surely did. This is the dark path I’ve been warning. Do not become like this in America, and I think you guys can feel yourself falling pretty, pretty fast.
I want to bring you to point three, an update on the Royals. There’s been a right royal ruckus here in the UK. Try saying that if you can’t pronounce your R’s. Sadly, we have Prince Philip love his heart in the hospital and he’s not doing at all well.
You have the Queen still being solid and standing firm and telling Harry and Meghan that their new publicity-based life is not compatible with royal duties and she’s stripped them of all their patronages. It’s very sad to see Prince Harry looking a shadow of his former self.
I think we’re going to see that horrible Oprah interview with Megan and Harry very soon. But amazing to see our Queen still standing very firm. I wanted to just waft across your attention, the French elections, they’re going to take place in April 2022. So interesting.
You have Macron a centrist leftist. You have Marine Le Pen, who is France’s very own Trump. She’s been around for decades now and endured. What we’re seeing is Macron on the center-left, taking more and more hardline policies on the Islamist invasion of Paris because, of course, he wants to appeal to her voters.
He even resisted the last lockdown out and said, “No.” Because he knows that he needs to be popular ahead of those elections in 2022. So, it’s something to watch out for. Anyway, that’s it for your European roundup from me, Katie Hopkins here at ATP Report.
And do you remember if you’d like more of these straight your phone, text the word TRUTH to 88202, and I look forward to catching up with you very soon.