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Middle East Policies

Soleimani’s Iran Terror Network Revealed!



Barry Nussbaum: Hello and welcome to ATP Report, I’m Barry Nussbaum. Our extremely special guest today is Clare Lopez, the Vice President for Research at the Center for Security Policy. She has an extensive Middle East background. She understands what’s going on over there, especially in regards to the Islamic revolution being exported out of Tehran like nobody else, which is why she’s our special contributor to ATP Report. Clare, thank you for joining us today.

Clare Lopez: And thank you, Barry, for having me on. Very glad to be with you, as always.

Barry Nussbaum: Well, let’s get going. We have some dramatic news that has taken place in the past week. As the world knows, President Trump took a dramatic action with a drone strike at the airport taking out several cars, one of which contained the leader of the Quds Force, the Jerusalem Force, and the IRGC in Iran, General Suleimani generally regarded as the number two guy in the country. The response from the White House and from Republican leaders has been one of complete satisfaction that the leader of probably the biggest terror network on planet Earth has been dispatched. Unfortunately, the enthusiasm on one side of the aisle in the US Congress is not matched by enthusiasm on the other side. Bernie Sanders, for example, has said that killing Soleimani was the same as if Putin kills dissidents in Russia as if those equate. Other Democrats have called it an assassination of a world leader. Others question why Trump did it now? Was it the right thing to do? Clare Lopez, what’s your take on what happened?

Clare Lopez: Well, the attack which took place actually at the Baghdad airport in Iraq this past Friday, almost a week ago now, 3rd of January,2020 was the culmination or the high point of a whole series of events in Iraq that had begun with incessant attacks by one of the Iraqi Shiite terror militias called Kataib Hezbollah and many attacks had already happened, but finally, they took the life of an American citizen, a contractor, and injured four American troops. That was the red line for President Trump. He ordered the hit against Qasem Soleimani because he, Major General Qasem Soleimani, commanded the Quds Force, which he had directed, had actually established, and then directed these terror militias Kataib Hezbollah being one of them. And then followed after the attacks against our troops the assassination of Qasem Soleimani and then aftermath since then.

Barry Nussbaum: So before we get into the background of what they think in Tehran, let’s talk about just the reaction from both sides of the aisle. Was it the right thing to do? Is there any doubt in your mind that this should have happened and when it should have happened?

Clare Lopez: No, there’s no doubt in my mind at all. President Trump had explicitly said his red line was the killing of any Americans and when that happened, they crossed that red line, and he responded, as he should, as Commander in Chief, defending Americans and defending American sovereignty and presence in our embassy and for us as well in Baghdad.

Barry Nussbaum: Iran has the strict Islamic country of the Shia variety. Tell us what their Constitution says. Literally embodied in the Constitution, there’s verbiage about what they’re supposed to be doing to export their version of Islam the Shia variety. Talk to us about that. What is the goal under that Constitution that might have some background and give our viewers an insight into why they behave the way they do?

Clare Lopez: That’s a really important point, Barry. In the Iranian Constitution, which is in English online, translated it says very clearly that the entire purpose of the existence of the Iranian regime that took power in 1979 is to wage jihad in order to establish an Islamic state globally the world over under rule of Islamic law. It names the IRGC, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, as an ideological army entrusted with that mission of waging jihad and exporting the revolution all over the world.

Barry Nussbaum: Has anybody read it? I mean, you talk about it like you could pick it up off the Internet in 30 seconds. Why isn’t this well known as if these people are crazy and did something wacky when in reality what you’re telling us is since 1979 it’s been their mein kampf, that you’re going to cancel normal relations, we’re going to conquer the world and here’s the document that codifies it.

Clare Lopez: Well, you know, it’s not just the Constitution, either Barry. In that Constitution, they quote directly from the Quran, Verse 8:60, which says, “Make ready your power to the utmost of your ability, including states of war, to strike terror into the hearts of the enemy.” That’s in the Constitution. So it’s not just the Shia version or Sunni version, this is Islam. This is what it is. This is what it has always been since at least the 10th century, and they quote the Quran for that purpose. I think our Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, has read it. Some of the things he said make me confident that he has. Perhaps the President also knows this, but you’re right, too many others don’t.

Barry Nussbaum: Well, obviously it’s not just what the Constitution says, but who you get to carry it out. So talk to me a little bit if you can where did General Soleimani fit into this? Obviously, as you said, the Head of the Quds Force, the Jerusalem forces, was one of their stated missions is to liberate Jerusalem from the infidels, the Jews, and Christians that are defiling that holy spot. What were his activities? How does he fit in as far as the role that he just failed that it now has a new person in that place?

Clare Lopez: So, Qasem Soleimani was born in 1957, and he came of age as the revolution began in 1979. He joined the IRGC right off the bat. He was sent to the battlefields in the war between Iran and Iraq in the nineteen-eighties, where, according to reports, he acquitted himself with great courage and honor that made his reputation. He moved on later to the Quds Force and, in 1998, became Commander of the Quds Force. That means three years before 9/11. So he was the lead Iranian official in charge of the Iranian and Hezbollah role in 9/11, and we could go along with a long list of the attacks against Americans in America that he was involved in from that point on.

Barry Nussbaum: So what you’re saying is the United States has designated Iran the leading state sponsor of terror in the entire world and the IRGC and its various proxies such as Hezbollah as terror groups, therefore, the head Terrorist worldwide would have been General Soleimani, am I correct?

Clare Lopez: Yes, exactly, it was his job and the job of the Quds force to establish and then to arm and fund and train and back these many different Shia proxy militia forces. You named Hezbollah with the name Hamas as well, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, all of these terror Shia militias in Iraq that wreak such havoc with Iranian explosives against our own troops and coalition troops and Iraqis during the middle 2000’s but that was their job to export the revolution, to do that by means of proxy militias to export Islamic terror. That’s what they did.

Barry Nussbaum: So with that understanding and obviously you’re not giving us this education because there’s some secret source of information that Clare Lopez gets her hands on everybody has access to this information, it’s open-source, correct?

Clare Lopez: Absolutely, some of this is contained, for example, in the 9/11 Commission report of August 2004. A lot of the other pieces of information that I have for about Qasem Soleimani and the Quds Force and especially the role of Iran and Hezbollah, together with al-Qaida in the attacks of 9/11 that comes from the Havlish case again, totally open source. A 9/11, a legal case in which Judge George Daniels, Southern District of New York in December 2011, ruled that Iran and Hezbollah were co-responsible with al-Qaida for the attacks of 9/11 that’s all open source. As well as a multitude of open-source reporting about other attacks in which Iran and al-Qaida, Hezbollah working together were involved. You know, the Khobar Towers in 1996, East African embassy bombings in 1998, USS Cole in 2000, and on, as we said, 9/11, the explosive devices sent into Iraq that shredded, maimed, killed our, our, people there. On we go.

Barry Nussbaum: Well, President Trump made it very clear, as did Mike Pompeo this week, that Soleimani and his operatives have been responsible for hundreds of American deaths and thousands of injuries, casualties worldwide, not to mention the terror that’s been fermented in other countries. How in the world could anybody in their right mind lament the death of this character?

Clare Lopez: No idea but what we really need to emphasize, that the threat that Soleimani in his Quds force presented and wielded against America and the United States continues and in particular, I’ll say that Hezbollah, an organization that pre-dated Qasem Soleimani’s command of the Quds Force but nevertheless, with which he works directly later, Hezbollah has operational cells all over the United States and certain key Iranian regime leadership figures have said that is one possible means by which the regime could consider to take revenge against the United States.

Barry Nussbaum: Thanks for joining us today on American Truth Report. A special thank you to Clare Lopez for joining us. Please remember to send a text message to 8 8 2 0 2 and put the message TRUTH in the report, rather the message to us, and you’ll get the ATP Report every day or so on your cell phone. Send 8 8 2 0 2 The word TRUTH, and you’ll be subscribed for free. For ATP Report, I’m Barry Nussbaum.

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Middle East Policies

Clare Lopez: With or Without the U.S., Israel Will Destroy the Iran Nuclear Program



With or Without the U.S., Israel Will Destroy the Iran Nuclear Program

Barry Nussbaum: Hello, and welcome to ATP Report. I’m Barry Nussbaum. We have a terrific guest today. She’s going to be on in just a second but first homework assignment for all of you out there that haven’t completed this assignment. Please take out your cell phone, text the word TRUTH, T-R-U-T-H, and address it to the number 88202. You’ll be signed up for free for all of our ATP content, including today’s special guest, which happens to be a friend of the family, Clare Lopez.

As you know, Clare has a very impressive background in various roles, with the United States government overseas in the intelligence field at the CIA, the State Department, and other places. She writes, does videos, is the expert on everything about American policy, and is the founder of Lopez Liberty LLC. Hello. Welcome, Clare.

Clare Lopez: Thank you, Barry. Another great intro. Thank you very much.

Barry Nussbaum: Well, it’s all you, so it’s easy. Let’s start with the new variety of the month. I’m referring to the Omicron variant of the SARS-COVID virus. Especially now that it’s in the news and nobody says Delta anymore. That was so last month.

This month it’s Omicron. Apparently, it’s more contagious and less deadly. So, as you and I have talked about, as the virus mutates, as all flu viruses do, it becomes more contagious and less dangerous, but we’re panicking like crazy. My question to you is why?

Clare Lopez: Well, you’re right about the Omicron variant Barry, that it is a mutation. We are well down into the Greek alphabet by now. There have been previous mutations that nobody ever even noticed, Lambda and Mu. The original variant or the original SARS-CoV-2.

The Alpha no longer exists, but yes, viruses mutate all the time. This is their nature to mutate, and the more obstacles, read vaccines, are thrown in its way. The more the virus, anthropomorphizing just a bit here. Tries to, wants to evade those obstacles.

So, we are down to the O. The Omicron of the Greek alphabet, but also typically, as you say, the further along the variations go, typically with a virus, the more contagious, the more transmissible. You can see why.

Again, anthropomorphizing, but the virus wants more hosts to infect. At the same time, less deadly, less lethal, and happily, so far with this variant, Omicron, there are absolutely zero deaths of Omicron. There is one reported death out of Britain, as I understand it, of somebody who died with Omicron. That might have been a speck of virus on their PJs. Nobody really knows for sure, but one last bit on this, and it’s a bit of a question mark. That is, where did this one come from? Yes, they spring up naturally.

This is Darwin, natural selection. You know, selection or survival of the fittest, but we’ve been told it originated in South Africa. In fact, it seems that this variant, Omicron, originated next door in Botswana. It originated with a couple of visiting diplomats whose home country is never mentioned.

Now, if their home country were a neighboring Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, or, you know, another country in Africa, they would have said so right away, but they haven’t. So, the question hanging out there is, where exactly did this variant come from?

Is it purely a result of natural selection, survival of the fittest, or is something else going on as with the original variant? The Alpha, the first one of SARS-CoV2, which we know, of course, came out of the Chinese Communist Party, People’s Liberation Army weapons labs.

Barry Nussbaum: But Clare, I agree with everything you said. Actually, even the mainstream media agrees with everything you said, so that’s one of those rare occasions. The part I don’t get is that viruses run their course, as my late mother used to say, and you need to let it do that. Then it just went away, and she was right. That’s normally what happens. Why are we panicking over this? Why are they now talking about booster number two and booster number three? We have to conquer Omicron. We’ve got to do new shutdowns. Why?

Clare Lopez: Well, I’m going to refer to an excellent set of videos and interviews by a Belgian intellectual. I believe a medical doctor named Dr. Matthias Desmet, D-E-S-M-E-T. He proposes to answer your question that what has overtaken the entire world, or at least a good part of it, is what he calls a mass formation.

We might call it something more along the lines of mass psychosis, or even I’ve heard this term mass hypnosis. In other words, people around the world have been scared out of their wits by something that has no bigger a lethality rate than the annual flu. Then on the flip side, there are those, again, many places in the world, but especially we’ll say here in the United States.

At the municipality, the city, the state level, and certainly at the public health level in the United States that have used, have cold-bloodedly used this crisis to #1 make gazillions of dollars in profit from “vaccines.” Well, that’s air quotes “vaccines,” of course, they’re genetic therapies. #2 to impose power.

To exert power over the population and to shut down the economy. To ruin millions of small businesses. To keep kids out of school, losing class time for more than a year, and on and on we go. It is mandating a penalty of losing your job or getting jabbed. This is too theoretical.

Barry Nussbaum: Yeah. I can tell you in just listening to you. The more I listen, the more I agree that this makes no sense, and yet we’re doing it. Speaking of no sense, let’s talk about Iran for a minute. The P5+1 is going full speed ahead, trying to put the deal back together in Vienna. Specifically, a JCPOA amended agreement. Except now while they’re talking, even though the United States is excluded from the room.

Iran is firing up more centrifuges than ever before, enriching more uranium than ever before. They’re literally on the cusp if they haven’t crossed the line into being able to manufacture half a dozen nuclear bombs. Yet what’s leaking out of the communications in Vienna, Clare, as you know so well, is Iran isn’t going to give up anything. They’re going to allow some cameras at the wrong sites.

They’re not going to allow inspections where they really should be, like Fordo, which is under a mountain. They’re running thousands and thousands of centrifuges, and it sounds to me like the only thing the various countries on the other side of the table are going to get is a new trading partner. Meaning we buy their oil, and we invest in their companies. Iran gives up nothing. Am I missing something here?

Clare Lopez: No, Barry, you’re not missing anything at all. So, here’s the thing about Vienna. This is, I believe, the seventh round of talks being held there. They include the P5+1, as you say, that is, the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council, U.S., I’ll mention that in a minute, U.S., U.K., Russia, China, France, and the +1 Germany, plus the European Union represented there, too.

However, here’s the thing. The U.S. at Iran’s demand is not even in the room, is not even allowed to be in the same room as the others who are negotiating. Our Department of State meekly, Anthony Blinken, just said, okay, we’ll sit out in the hallway just as long as you promise to come out and tell us what’s going on now and then.

That’s what’s happening. They’re not even in the same room, but all of them piteously begged the Iranian regime to be allowed back into the July 2015 nuclear deal. But here’s the problem-

  1. Iran is playing games with them, slapping them all upside the head, and demanding that all sanctions ever imposed since the beginning of time be removed before they’ll even budge on these negotiations.
  2. I think this is more important. That is since 2015. We’re now in 2021, six-plus years later. The Iranian regime has so far surpassed the provisions in that nuclear deal as you were enumerating their Barry, in terms of numbers of centrifuges, the advanced models.

They were supposed to be the first generation allowed to be deployed, IR1, as they call them. They’re up to installing IR6, six generations on. So, newer, faster, better centrifuges. More centrifuges than were allowed under the deal, and then enriching uranium at greater volume than was allowed under the deal to a much higher-level percentage of enrichment, the deal says, 3.67%.

They are openly acknowledging now that they’re enriching up to 60%. You can make a bomb out of 60%, but the ideal is over 90% weapons-grade, and who knows how many warheads they’ve already made in places, as you say that the IAEA, that’s International Atomic Energy Agency nuclear watchdog for the United Nations.

Their inspectors are not even allowed to go to, and yes, the Iranian regime has smashed cameras in some of the places we know about. Never mind the places we don’t know about that, of course, they don’t have cameras, but now the places we did know about have had the camera smashed, broken by the regime, and they’re not being allowed to be repaired or replaced. This is where we are at.

Barry Nussbaum: So, Israel sees that, and apparently the Israeli leadership is the only government in the world that’s saying, hey, the emperor has no clothes, and we’re not going away. So, now their warnings to Iran and the rest of the world have never been more explicit. Defense Minister Benny Gantz, formerly commander of the IDF, the Israeli army, has made it very clear, so has Naftali Bennett, the prime minister.

Just as Bibi Netanyahu did previously, there will be no nuclear weapons in Iran, but the United States, a few days ago, denied long-range tanker aircraft, which could refuel dozens of Israeli bombers in the air. No one knows why. There was no explanation given other than the United States said no. Will Israel attack anyway, Clare Lopez?

Clare Lopez: Well, the first thing that we need to acknowledge, of course, is that Israel is squarely in Tehran’s bull’s eye. They are the first target. They are the ones most in immediate danger from this regime in Tehran, should it deploy deliverable nuclear weapons.

Now back to what we were talking about with regard to the deal and how far past the deal the Iranians have gone. It’s impossible to go back to that deal. It’s just not possible to do that, but meanwhile, of course, all these steps.

They openly acknowledged steps are being taken, and yes, the top levels of the Israeli government, Prime Minister, Defense Minister Chief of the IDF Chief of Staff, Kochavi. It’s a period of months that I’ve heard them make more and more explicit warnings directed right at Tehran.

We will not allow you to deploy deliverable nuclear weapons. I think the Israelis probably have the best intelligence about where the Iranian nuclear weapons program is. In my opinion, I think it is probably because the Israelis depend on an internal network of Iranians.

It is probably affiliated with the Mujahadeen-e-Khalq that keeps them informed on where the program is and how far along, but this is something that baffles me, and that is again, my personal opinion is that Iran has been building warheads for some time now.

I think, personal opinion, they probably have maybe somewhere in the range of five to 10, but under the international definition, it’s not officially called a weapon until that warhead gets attached to the nose cone of a missile, a delivery system.

Barry Nussbaum: And Iran has announced new ICBM missile tests this week.

Clare Lopez: There we go.

Barry Nussbaum: There’s your delivery system.

Clare Lopez: And one last point that you mentioned. I wanted to comment on it, and that was the Israeli request. It was a request for expedited delivery of midair fueling tanker aircraft that are already on order, and I guess they’re going to be delivered.

I think they said somewhere towards the end of 2024, but they asked for expedited delivery because they need them ASAP. That’s what was turned down.

Barry Nussbaum: Disgusting. Unbelievable. If we have a nuclear war or if we have an attack on the nuclear program. I hold the American government culpable for not standing against Iran’s regime and the open arrogance, making it very clear we’re building nuclear weapons.

There isn’t anything you can do about it. Then a middle finger comes up, and we, as you said, sent out in the hall hoping to be told what’s being negotiated. I’m disgusted. I really am. Clare, tell people where they can find out about you.

Clare Lopez: Well, certainly right here at American Truth Project, and you heard Barry give the cell phone text number, 88202, which if you put that into your cell phone, and text it to my name L-O-P-E-Z, you’ll get announcements, text messages for my specific videos like this one that we’re doing today.

Also, I publish at the Citizens Commission on National Security. I write at the David Horowitz Freedom Center’s online, FrontPage magazine. Join Jamie Glazov on the Glazov Gang now and then. You can find me on social media too @ClareM Lopez on Twitter. Also, my name at Facebook, and Lopez Liberty on Telegram. One more before I forget, and that is The United West.

Barry Nussbaum: The ubiquitous Clare Lopez, she is everywhere. Thanks for coming on today, Clare, and thank you out there in ATP Land for joining us on a very special episode. Listen to Clare Lopez. Send Lopez to 88202, and push send. You’ll get all of her stuff absolutely free. For ATP Report, thanks for joining us today. I’m Barry Nussbaum.

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Middle East Policies

Anni Cyrus Explains Why Islamic Elected Officials Will Not Follow U.S. Law



Anni Cyrus Explains Why Islamic Elected Officials Will Not Follow U.S. Law

Barry Nussbaum: Hello, and welcome to ATP Report. I’m Barry Nussbaum. We have a wonderful family member guest today, but before I bring her on, I want to remind all of you in ATP land. Please take out your cell phone; if you haven’t already done it. Text the simple message truth in the message box, and send it to the number 88202. When you push send, you’ll automatically be subscribed to our text message alert system. It’s always free. You’ll get all of our content like today’s show in the palm of your hand every time we release something, and you’ll never pay for it. Ok, hopefully, you did it.

Let me bring on Anni Cyrus. Anni Cyrus, as all of you know, is the national expert on what happens to a woman in Islam. She’s an escapee from the Islamic Republic of Iran. She has a story that is like no other. She has founded to Live Up to Freedom. She happens to be the editor of everything we do here, and she’s been with us since the very beginning. Welcome back, Anni.

Aynaz Anni Cyrus: My pleasure. Thanks for having me back, Barry.

Barry Nussbaum: Let’s start with what’s going on in the political news vis Islam in the United States. Hamtramck, if I say that right in Michigan, has a six-member city council; they were just elected. Every single one of the members in this Michigan small town is a Muslim, and the mayor is as well. They are now taking office in January.

It’s believed to be the first all Muslim administration in the United States and this town. Its officials now say even though they’re of the Islamic faith, all of the members have vowed their religion would not impinge upon their duties as councilmen.

So, here’s the question that no one but you and I seem to be asking, which is if all six of these council people and the mayor are really practicing Muslims. Doesn’t their religion, Islam require them to follow Islam over the laws of the land when there’s a contradiction? If they choose Islam over Michigan law or United States law, what happens next?

Aynaz Anni Cyrus: Well, let me start here, Barry. You said they have all vowed that their religion will not affect their job. If that’s the case, why is it so important for them to repeatedly say we are Muslim? Why is it so important to wear their religion on their sleeve? Why is it so important to say the first all-Muslim council in America? That right there tells me that their being Muslim has everything to do with what they’re planning to do.

Personal opinion or just a question. As far as me believing they’re not practicing Muslims, as I said they are. If they weren’t, they wouldn’t wear it on their sleeve. Now, because they’re practicing Muslims because they’re very proud of being Muslim they will follow what is ordered, and the order is you follow the law of the land until it goes against the words of Allah or Sharia.

We have discussed this many times in the past few years, you and I, Barry, that Sharia goes completely against our Constitution, which means our Constitution goes against Sharia. So, they will be put in positions where they have to choose. If they claim to be Muslims, then they have to choose Sharia. Therefore, let’s say if a woman is involved with an argument, and the man is involved, they’re going to have to take the man’s word over the woman because, well, under Sharia, a Women’s word is counted as a half of a person.

Barry Nussbaum: All right, let’s make the news even bigger and more horrible, shall we? Based on your answer. The election of Muslim candidates across the United States has just broken the all-time record, and here are some examples. Tania Anderson is a Muslim lady elected to the Boston City Council in Massachusetts. Etel Haxhiaj was elected to Worchester City Council in Massachusetts.

Abdullah Hammoud is now the mayor of Dearborn, Michigan. Amer Ghalib is the mayor of Hamtramck, Michigan, as we just talked about, and Azrin Awal is elected to the Duluth City Council. Shamar Haider is elected to the New Jersey state legislature. Omar Mohamed is on the Galloway City Council. Shahana Hanif is the New York City Council member. I mean, it goes on and on.

Now, I assume all of these elected officials, as is normal and customary in United States politics, will take an oath, usually on the Bible. Although I imagine these people will swear on the Quran to uphold the local law, the state law, and the National Constitution. How can they honestly do that in light of what you just told us?

If they are acting contrary to the laws of Islam they have to switch from the laws of the land to Islam. Now isn’t it true that when there’s a contradiction between the laws of the land and the words of the prophet or Sharia, they must choose Islam? What happens then if they make that choice?

Aynaz Anni Cyrus: Well, I can give you a very simple answer, which is, you just named 11 people. So, imagine 11 more Ilhan Omar’s and Rashida Tlaib’s Boom, you have the answer, but I’m going to expand a little bit just to make sure no one who’s watching this video would go on their impression in any shape or form that we have any problem with Muslims, we don’t.

The conflict here is the fact that, for example, when Keith Ellison was taking office, when Ilhan Omar was doing it when Rashida Tlaib was doing it, and when Hussein Obama was doing it. They all have said the same thing; they did.

When it came to it, Hussein Obama opened the White House door and let the Muslim Brotherhood in. When it came to it, Ilhan Omar forced Congress to lift one 108-year-old ban to let her in with her religious wearing hijab. When it came to it, Keith Ellison got away with beating his girlfriend because, under Sharia, that’s allowed. You see where I’m going, right Barry?

Barry Nussbaum: Oh, absolutely, Anni, but here’s the more complex question. If you remember, we talked about this several years ago. Thomas Jefferson was so concerned about the conflict philosophically and religiously between the Book of the Mohammedans, as he called Islam and the laws of the new land.

He said, ‘unless they walk away from that book, they can’t be Americans’ because he saw the conflict in the 18th century. What’s going to happen when they’re asked to choose? How will they choose?

Aynaz Anni Cyrus: Oh, they will choose Sharia. They will choose Islam. Remember, I say this with such confidence, not because I’m an Islamophobe. No, I say this because I decided to choose American freedom over Islam. Guess what? I got bounties on my head.

They want me dead for it. So, there is no other choice. If they choose to follow the Constitution, respect our freedom and liberties here they will put their own head out there, possibly being chopped off or doing what they did.

So, knowingly or unknowingly, they will end up choosing Sharia and Islam. Again, if this was like, I don’t know, 15 or 20 years ago, this would have been a guesstimate, but as I brought up examples, they have proven to come in, and when they are sworn in, they do use the Quran.

They come in, and they end up being practicing Muslims. Now, they will just get more powerful going back to Quran 47:35, where it says: “Do not call for peace when you are superior in numbers.”

Last year, in 2020, we had 89 Muslims elected to office. This year in November, we had 11. Comes 2022, CAIR is encouraging more than 200 candidates to run. It’s just a matter of time until they are superior in number than the blasphemy law comes in. Then the First Amendment will be revoked.

The second, and before you know it, as I called it in 2015, we will be saying, welcome to the Islamic Republic of America. I know it’s dramatically hard for most Americans to wrap their head around it, but I come from it.

The Islamic Republic of Iran was Iran by itself, known as Mini America, in the Middle East. Now, for the last 43 years, it’s the Islamic Republic of Iran. Very recently, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, right. So, that’s where it’s going to go. That’s what’s going to happen unless we all do something about it. I’m sorry to be brutally bringing bad news. It is the reality.

Barry Nussbaum: Anni, I can’t argue with your logic. Skipping over across the pond to Liverpool, England. A taxi driver is the hero of Great Britain after he witnessed a jihadi in the backseat of his taxi. Get this, assembling a bomb! He slammed on the brakes, jumped out, locked the door, and the bomb detonated. It killed the terrorist. Britain is now on nationwide high alert, expecting another attack.

So, here’s the part I don’t get. The British borders are virtually wide open. Immigration from the Middle East, mostly Afghanistan and Somalia, is unchecked. Nobody is being vetted. There are no background checks. These people are flowing in by the tens of thousands. After what happened, and Great Britain has intelligence that more attacks were coming. Why don’t they close their borders?

Aynaz Anni Cyrus: Because if they do, then there will be no more terror attacks? I’m sorry. Bad joke, probably. Let me add something real quick for our audience, who have now followed the news on the Liverpool taxi bombing. This happened in front of a woman’s hospital. In front of the entrance, I believe it’s called the Labor Ward, where are all the pregnant women are.

This Muslim jihadi was about to take out mothers and their babies. For anyone who thinks they are peaceful. That is the extent of the inhuman act he was about to commit, as to why they’re not closing the border?

Genuinely, honestly, I know this sounds like a ridiculous joke, but because they don’t want to be Islamophobes. Because they don’t want to provoke Muslims, they will look the other way. They will run to cameras and announce this had nothing to do with Islam. Knowing it had everything to do with Islam because the guy was whispering Allah Akbar as he installed and put together that bomb.

Still, they will do everything in their power to not be Islamophobic and not provoke Muslims, especially under the circumstances of ISIS being back in power. They are too afraid. They are cowards. They don’t want to face reality and fight back.

Barry Nussbaum: You might be right, and it’s very sad because there will be more attacks, according to British intelligence. Anni, tell our viewers where they can get in touch with you and follow your work,

Aynaz Anni Cyrus: is my website, Also, I come in and have a good chat with Barry Nussbaum about every other week on So, those are the two places you can find.

Barry Nussbaum: Well said. I urge all of you to follow her. She’s a brilliant and courageous young lady. Please remind yourself if you haven’t done it. Sign up for our message alert system by simply messaging the word truth to the number 88202 and push send. You’ll be signed up, and you’ll get all of our stuff like the wonderful Anni Cyrus, absolutely for free. Thanks for coming on to watch us today. For ATP Report. I’m

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