Really Dumb Things They Said
Why Are CNN’s Ratings Plummeting

Hello, and welcome to ATP’s Really Dumb Things, They Said. I’m Barry Nussbaum.
Alisyn Camerota is a left-wing, progressive news anchor at CNN. A network that can’t seem to understand that maybe, just maybe, there is a reason for their ratings plummeting week after week. Maybe this will give them a clue.
Check out this interview with Minneapolis City Council President Lisa Bender. Alisyn Camerota asked, “What if in the middle of the night my home is broken into? Who do I call?” She asked.
Council President Bender replied, “Yes, I hear that loud and clear from a lot of my neighbors, and I know that this comes from a place of privilege.” Slow down a minute, Lisa, and let’s back this up. Downtown Minneapolis is largely destroyed in many places. Block after block, as a result of the BLM riots.
Billions in damages in response to which the City Council Minneapolis has voted for a massive defunding of the police force. Less money for cops equals many fewer cops on the street. Even CNN knows this correlation. Less cops on the street and, well, not surprising, crime in Minneapolis has exploded.
Really dumb City Council is not even questioned on her answer by the really dumb CNN anchor.