U.S. Politics
Dr. Gina: Hawaii “I’m not going to Hawaii with their restrictions“
Dr. Gina: Over in Hawaii, they are doing the opposite of New Hampshire. Soon you’ll have to show proof that you’ve gotten a COVID booster shot before you can even enter the islands, even though the jab and all the boosters do not work and do not stop the spread of COVID.
The geniuses in Hawaii demand you get an experimental drug injected into your body, plus a booster, or you can’t even come into their state. Barry Nussbaum is one of my old broadcasting buddies from San Diego, and he’s visiting Hawaii right now. Barry, Great to see you.
Barry Nussbaum: Great to be back with you, Dr. Gina. I wish you were enjoying Hawaii with us today.
Dr. Gina: I do, too, but I’m not going to get a vaccine to do it. Barry, is this a way to keep tourism? Hawaii is based on tourism. I’m not going back to Hawaii if they’re going to check my papers at the door.
Barry Nussbaum: You know, your previous guest made a very astute comment, and I wish the government in Hawaii were listening to her instead of each other. Tourism here accounts for 80% of the GNP. The state in the United States is literally dependent on tourists for survival.
So, what do the goofballs in the Legislature want to do? They are co-sponsoring a bill. Both congressmen from Hawaii are co-sponsoring a House bill in the U.S. Congress to make it illegal to come here without being fully vaccinated. Meaning you can’t get on a plane, and now the new fully vaccinated designation is jab, jab, booster, and if you believe Fauci, booster number two.
They are co-sponsoring a bill that will destroy the economy here because a great number of people come to Hawaii, and they’re not jabbed. House Resolution 4980 will make it the law. You must be vaccinated to get on a plane in the United States. Welcome to 1984.
Dr. Gina: Yeah, exactly. How is the tourism industry there currently?
Barry Nussbaum: You know, it’s really eclectic, and what I mean by that is the Hawaiian Islands, as you know, is a series of independent islands, semi-independent. It’s independent in the sense that each mayor makes his own rules, and the mayor runs the island.
In the case of Maui, for example, he runs three islands, and all the mayors have different rules that don’t necessarily jive with the governor, Ige, and his rules. So, some restaurants stop you at the door and say, passport, please, let’s see your proof of vax. Other ones don’t, and then there’s another weird rule that if it’s open-air, you can seat patrons there that aren’t fully vaccinated.
But if you’re a gym, a hair salon, or something like that, you’re screwed, and everybody enforces differently. So, everywhere you go, a different set of rules depending on who’s making the rules, what island you’re on, and most importantly, whether or not it’s being enforced, which on a case-by-case basis, maybe yes, maybe no. That is bad for tourism.
People don’t want to come to Maui, Hawaii, Oahu, or anywhere in the Hawaiian Islands, not knowing if they can go to dinner, a trip, or see the whales. I don’t blame them.
Dr. Gina: Well, it’ll be interesting, and I hope that you’ll keep us posted on that. It’s great to see your face, Barry Nussbaum. I want my audience to know that you can find Barry at FindBarry.com. That works so well, Barry. Thanks for being with us. Aloha.
Barry Nussbaum: Aloha. Thank you.