Really Dumb Things They Said
Biden did not call Israel!
Hello, and welcome to the ATP series we call, Really Dumb Things, They Said.
After back and forth with reporters during a White House press briefing about President Biden’s failure to call Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in spite of the fact that he’s called every other major world leader.
Jen Psaki was asked, “Could you please give us a broad sense of what the administration is trying to achieve in the Middle East. For example, does the Biden administration still consider the Saudis and the Israelis important allies?”
Miss Psaki responded, “Well, you know, again, I think, there are ongoing processes and internal interagency processes, one that we, I think, confirmed an interagency meeting just last week to discuss a range of issues in the Middle East, where we’ve only been here three and a half weeks, and I think I’m going to let those policy processes see themselves through before we give kind of, a complete lay down of what our national security approaches will be to a range of issues.”
Huh? This is really dumb for two reasons.
Number one, the simple and truthful answer is, of course, yes. Israel is our most strategic ally in that part of the world. They are the first line of defense against terror. We cooperate on a military, economic, and a range of issues where we are inseparable as two countries, but she couldn’t say yes?
It’s dumb for a second reason. Her answer was 100% gobbledygook. Nobody has any idea what she said. Probably Ms. Psaki couldn’t even translate. So, we’ve been waiting ever since for clarification. There has been 100% silence and still no call from Biden to Prime Minister Netanyahu.