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Why Did Israel Boycott Tlaib?



Jermain Botsio: Congresswoman Rashida and Tlaib Ilhan Omar were planning a visit to Israel and the Palestinian territory last week and this week. However, the Israeli government reviewed their anti-Israel and anti-zionist, and anti-Semitic statements and decided to deny them. Now what the press is saying here is that Israel only barred Rashida Tlaib and the other crazy person because of Trump’s tweet. What’s going on here? Let’s break it down. What’s going on with this situation, and is it just Trump’s tweets, or is it their rhetoric that is affecting their ability to go to Israel?

Barry Nussbaum: Well, Jermain, that’s the perfect question to start today’s segment. Like Americans, Israelis do not hang on every tweet that comes out of the mobile phone run by Donald Trump in the White House. This is a lot more significant than the president’s tweets. Basically, here’s the situation. Israel has a law that was passed several years ago in the Knesset by a very large number that allowed the Israeli government to bar entry to any person outside of Israel who advocates for the BDS movement. BDS, as your viewers probably know, stands for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions. And it’s an economic strangulation movement against Israel in the hopes of destroying the state of Israel. Now, why do I say the purpose of BDS is to destroy Israel? Well, that’s what the founder of the BDS movement, Omar Barghouti, said. His goal is the elimination of a Jewish state. So everybody in favor of BDS is in favor of the elimination of Israel. Now, that’s bad enough. And that disqualifies them under the law, Jermain, but these two women have gone way beyond the BDS movement with anti-Semitic anti-Israel, anti-Zionist statements that go back years. Their affiliations with very prominent terror organizations, very prominent anti-Semites, very prominent anti-Israel. And get this, organizations actively carrying out terror in Israel is profoundly disturbing and should bother your audience to the point of walking precincts in Michigan and in Minnesota for whoever runs against them in 2020. So here’s what Israel did. There was a very large delegation of Democrats and Republicans who are planning a trip. House of Representatives members from both sides of the aisle going to Israel several weeks ago. The entire Congress was invited. Two prominent people to Tlaib and Omar both said, “No, we don’t want to go with a group. We don’t want to go with our own party. We are going to make our own trip.” Now, Israel would have been OK with that, except what they really meant to do was to create, I’m going to say, a terror publicity campaign. The group that was going to sponsor them and paid for the trip is a terror organization that supports suicide bombers and car ramblers and people that stabbed Jews in Jerusalem and on and on and on. So under the law, Israel had the right to say no, and they did. Here’s where this story gets tricky. And your viewers must follow this. So Omar gave up. Tlaib, said, I’m not giving up. I really wanted to go because I wanted to visit my very, very old grandmother who lives in the West Bank. And this is going to be my last chance. So please, government of Israel let me visit my grandma. What did Israel say? Well, if you promise not to incite violence, if you promise not to encourage rioting, sure. Come to Israel. We’ll give you a visa. We’ll escort you the whole way. You can see grandma, and you can record the entire thing. Now, you would think like a rational person that Tlaib what have said “Oh, boy. Thanks. I’m going. You granted my request exactly as it was given.” That’s not what she did. She turned around and said, “Oh, my trip’s approved? Yes. The way I requested it? Yes. Well, I’m not going to go because you’re racist and you’re bigots, and you’re just as bad as racist Apartheid South Africa. So I’m going to stay home and start crying.” And that’s what she did. It had nothing to do with President Trump. It had to do with their behavior. And ironically, this is important. when she said, “For humanitarian reasons, let me come.” Israel said, OK. And they granted her everything she wanted. And then she revoked her request and said, “I can’t go because you’re racist and I can’t go because it would be humiliating and I don’t want to see my grandmother.” And ironically, that comment from the interior, Mr. Minister of Israel, is apparently Tlaib hates the Jews in Israel more than she loves her grandmother.

Jermain Botsio: All this is rhetoric to try to break up Israel, to try to break up the U.S. and Israel relationship. That is a relationship that a lot of people hate across the world. They hate it for a lot of reasons. In my eyes, one reason why they hate it is because there’s strength in unity there. Israel and the United States have a strong bond because of the religion, of course, and also the cultural aspect as well. We have to make sure that we look out for what we call our little brother, Israel.

Barry Nussbaum: Well, don’t forget Jermain, they are our closest strategic military and intelligence ally in half of the world. They are literally the front lines against terror. We work with Israel 24/7, combating Islamic Jihad, Hamas, ISIS, al-Qaida and the various other crazy suicide wanting Islamic groups that want to take over the world. So strategically, they’re the front line, we’re not they are. And as far as cooperation, there could not be more cooperation between our two countries than there is right now. Rashida Tlaib, as you just mentioned astutely, Jermain, wants to cut that tie because it doesn’t fit her narrative. So when Israel grants her everything she wants, she goes on television, lies, and cries to promote sympathy for the fact she’s been oppressed as a woman of color. And ironically, there are a lot darker women than her who are African in Israel. They serve in the army, serve in the police, serve in the government, serve in the hospitals, sit in the car Knesset, and they are Muslim, many of them yet. It’s the only country in the Middle East where Jews, Muslims, Christians, Bahais, and atheists all served side by side in the government, in the army, on the Supreme Court, in the hospitals, in the border police, everywhere. And guess what? They all vote, and they all have equal rights under the law. It’s the only country in the Middle East like that. But that doesn’t fit her narrative. So that is not what she talks about.

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Robert Spencer: CAIR Executive Labels Nearly All Of American Jewry As Enemies



Robert Spencer: CAIR Executive Labels Nearly All Of American Jewry As Enemies

Barry Nussbaum: Hello, and welcome to ATP Report. I’m Barry Nussbaum. Our very special friend of the family and ATP regular guest will be on in just a second. But first, I want to remind you all out in ATP land to please subscribe using your cell phone. It’s absolutely for free. You can sign up by simply opening a blank text message and sending the word TRUTH in the message box. Address it to 88202. When you push send, you’ll be signed up for free. It’ll take about four to five seconds.

We never charge for content, so that very special guest I was alluding to is Robert Spencer. Good morning to Robert. He is the founder of Jihad Watch. He’s written 22 best-selling books. He is the nation’s best-selling author and an expert on jihad in the United States and around the world. He’s the scholar on the subject. Welcome back, Robert.

Robert Spencer: Always good to talk to you, Barry. Thank you.

Barry Nussbaum: Well, let’s get right into it. I have spent the last four or five hours reading Jihad Watch, which I normally do, but in preparation today, you had some astounding reporting in the last couple of days.

Let’s start with Zahra Billoo, from the speech that she made in front of the American Muslims for Palestine’s 14th annual conference in Chicago. Now, the media ignored her commentary, but you didn’t, and thank you for calling that to our attention. She made a horrible speech linking Islamophobia and Zionism.

She said Zionist organizations want to ban all Muslims and all kinds of other things. I mean, she literally says that the audience should oppose fascists and oppose even the polite Zionists. The polite Zionists are the people that support the ADL, The Campus Jewish organizations, Jewish Federation synagogues, and so on. She said all American Jews are your enemies.

So, Robert, I could go on and on and on, and you quoted extensively from her horrific speech. Who is she, and why should we care about what she says? Then I want to ask you, why are you the only one reporting this?


Robert Spencer: Barry, Zahra Billoo is the chapter leader of the San Francisco chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the leading Islamic advocacy group in the United States and a group that the Justice Department has established as ties to Hamas.

Now, the Council on American-Islamic Relations accordingly is deeply inveterately anti-Israel. Also, because we’re talking about hardline Sharia adherent Muslims, it’s very likely that many, if not most, of them have imbibed the anti-Semitism that is deeply embedded in the Quran and the example of Mohammed.

So, Zahra Billoo comes out with a speech. It’s interesting to note that it’s gotten very little coverage, as you have pointed out, but I have not been the only one who reported on it. The Middle East Media Research Institute did so, and several others, the Jerusalem Post and so on.

What is noteworthy is that she is now taking a sabbatical, which indicates that the Council on American-Islamic Relations, CAIR, is feeling the heat. They should be feeling the heat from this because even the ADL, which is very far to the left and has always been on the side of CAIR, on the side of the idea that there is some kind of Islamophobia in American society, which she was talking about at the American Muslims for Palestine conference.

Even they found her speech a bridge too far and denounced it. Asking her for an apology, and so on. So, it’s interesting they’re taking her out of the limelight for a while, hoping that this is all going to blow over, but what she’s done is reveal the deep-rooted Islamic anti-Semitism that all too many Muslims in the United States hold to. That is based on the Quran, which says, among many other things, about the Jews that they are the worst enemies of the Muslims. That’s Chapter 5:82.

Barry Nussbaum: Well, said, and thank you again for publicizing this because the mainstream media doesn’t consider this newsworthy, I guess. So, the White House has stepped in it this week, and now it’s getting worse because the president’s horrific commentary on the winter of COVID has now been reflected by White House spokespeople.

They are saying, “We are intent on not letting Omicron disrupt work and school for the vaccinated. You’ve done the right things. For the unvaccinated, you’re looking at a winter of severe illness and death for you, your families, and the hospitals.”

I mean, they’re quoting Biden, who said that a couple of days ago, word for word. It’s like the Black Plague is striking down Americans by the tens of thousands, and this is while vaccines are now being said to cause all kinds of problems and health side effects that were never mentioned before.

So, here’s my question, Robert. If the vaccine doesn’t prevent COVID, and three vaccines, you know, vaccine one, two plus booster, don’t prevent COVID. Why the ominous prediction from the president? Could he be hoping that millions do get sick and die?

Robert Spencer: You know, Barry, I hate to say this, but I really do think they are hoping for that because it would be vindication for the White House. The White House has said that you’ll be all right if you get vaccinated. Now, as time goes by and more vaccinated people get COVID. That has proven not to be the case, but they’ve dug in now.

So, they feel they have no choice but to double down and say, well, it would be a lot worse if you hadn’t been vaccinated, which is a completely unproven and unprovable proposition. But ultimately, the only thing that will prove them right now in all their dire predictions is if there is a winter of mass illness and death.

So, we’re in a very peculiar position where an American administration that should be caring for the American people has painted itself into a corner and is hoping that millions of Americans are going to die so that they will be proven correct in what they have been telling us all this time.

Barry Nussbaum: What a horror story, and you know, I’m an NFL football fan. I don’t know if you are. There’s a requirement in the NFL that everyone gets vaccinated, and these are the world’s greatest athletes. Football player after football player, team after team, is getting sick with COVID, but they’re vaccinated.

I don’t get it. Still, the President’s going to say millions could die this winter without the vaccine. Oh, thanks for commenting on that. I’m just so frustrated. So, let’s talk about a story that’s getting no coverage except for Jihad Watch, your site. There’s this group, the li-Da’awati terrorist group, that every week in Nigeria and the surrounding territories seem to be slaughtering Christians. They surround churches as the Christians are worshiping. They kill the men, women, and children.

Unless they happen to spare somebody to take them away to be soldiers for them under penalty of death if they don’t cooperate, they’re slaughtering various Islamic terror groups left and right across Africa. The numbers of Christians slaughtered are dramatic and go up like a skyscraper straight to the sun.

Why is it that there’s no press coverage, it seems, except for Robert Spencer and Jihad Watch? Will the world just watch and do nothing as Christians are slaughtered every week?


Robert Spencer: Yeah, I think that’s true. That what they’re going to do, Barry, nothing. I see this on Twitter all the time. When I post these stories about the Muslim massacres, jihad, massacres of Christians in Nigeria, Nigerians write to me. They thank me for covering this saying, nobody in the West is paying any attention to this.

I think it’s because here again, as I noted earlier, it doesn’t fit the narrative. The establishment media has a paradigm, a template for stories revolving around Muslims and Christians. The Muslims are always the victims, and the Christians are always white supremacists, racist bigots, and aggressors.

If it’s a story that doesn’t fit that paradigm, then it just doesn’t exist. So, in Nigeria, you have Muslims who are black, murdering Christians who are black. Avowedly because of Islamic principles, and an Islamic government that is turning a blind eye because it has many people who sympathize with this jihad in the government, but it doesn’t fit the paradigm because there’s no way you can portray these Christians as being the aggressors.

They’re not white, so down the memory hole. It doesn’t exist.

Barry Nussbaum: I got to tell our viewers the stuff you publish is startling. It’s horrific, and it makes me incredibly sad not only that this mass murder goes on a regular basis. It seems every other day I’m reading an article you post, but nobody seems to care. Nobody seems to care.

Robert Spencer: Well, another thing is the Islamic advocacy groups like CAIR that we were discussing before. They’ve done a number on us, and they’ve made most Americans assume that you just can’t talk about this. You can’t discuss jihad terror activity because it would be Islamophobic. So, they don’t. It just doesn’t exist.

Barry Nussbaum: You’re right. The IOC, which is the International Olympic Committee, said in a letter this week that they’re canceling international competitions now in host countries that do not allow Israel to compete. I was shocked when Malaysia would not let Israeli athletes come in for a world championship in their country.

This is where the former prime minister once said he was glad to be labeled anti-Semitic, and in the face of that, I’m really shocked. The International Olympic Committee said international sports associations must receive written confirmation from the host country. They’ll allow every country, including Israel, to participate. If not, there will not be a competition. What will the majority of Muslim countries do now? Not compete or invite the Israelis?

Robert Spencer: Probably some will do a bit of both. The Sharia states, notably the Islamic Republic of Iran, will almost certainly pull out. I would be shocked, absolutely to the core, if they say, okay, we will go ahead and compete with the Israelis. There are some other states on that level that I would be very surprised to see competing with Israelis. Pakistan, the Taliban’s Afghanistan, and so on, but some of the countries in the Abraham Accords, may well go ahead.

On the other hand, they are under pressure now from the other countries that didn’t enter into the Abraham Accords to repudiate them and to return to the Islamic fold. So, we’ll have to see how that plays out. I think that probably some will go ahead and compete, but probably more will pull out.

Barry Nussbaum: Well, we’ve got the Olympics coming up and a lot of championships after that. It’s going to be interesting to see which side some of these, as you said, the majority of Muslim countries, side with. Robert, tell people how they can learn about what you do and follow your brilliant writings, please.

Robert Spencer: Thanks, Barry. is the only news site about jihad activity in the United States and around the world. Then I’m @JihadWatchRS on Twitter, and there is also a Facebook page. You can also find my author page, and all my books on, at least for now.

Barry Nussbaum: Well said, and I advise all of our listeners around the world who follow ATP. Robert Spencer is the expert. Please, follow him on all of his platforms. You do not want to miss anything he says on a daily basis because the news just keeps coming, and he is the guy that puts it out there for you.

Again, I want to remind you. If you haven’t yet, please send a text message to the number 88202. The message box should just have the word truth in it. When you push send, you’ll be signed up for this and all of our episodes absolutely for free. You’ll get them twice a week on your cell phone. Okay? For ATP Report, thanks for coming on to watch us today. I’m Barry Nussbaum.

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Ilhan Omar Spreading Anti-Semitism in U.S. Congress




Barry Nussbaum: Hello and welcome to ATP Report. I’m Barry Nussbaum. Before I introduce our very special and popular guest today, I want to remind everybody out there in ATP land to please take out your cell phone if you haven’t done so already. Type the message TRUTH, T-R-U-T-H in the message box and send it to the number 88202. You’ll be signed up for free. You’ll get all of our content like this show for free in the palm of your hand just for signing up. Absolutely for free.

So let me bring on Tyler O’Neil. He is the senior editor at PJ Media. He’s an author, a conservative commentator. He’s written for lots of publications, including The Christian Post, National Review, Washington Free Beacon, The Daily Signal, AEI Values, and Capitalism, and he has a book out. Making Hate Pay: The Corruption of the Southern Poverty Law Center, and we have him instead of Tucker Carlson tonight! Welcome, Tyler.

Tyler O’Neil: Glad to be here, Barry.

Barry Nussbaum: So today, let’s discuss the most bigoted member of Congress in our opinion and the one that you called out in print a few days ago, writing about her in a terrific article. I’m referring, of course, to the infamous hater of Israel, hater of America, and hater of American things, Ilhan Omar.

So, let’s start off with last week she said, “We have seen unthinkable atrocities committed by the US, Hamas, Israel, Afghanistan and the Taliban.” She got terrific amounts of backlash, as she should have, and even Nancy Pelosi was called into it. She tried to clarify her remarks, which she really didn’t. What do you think she meant? Just take the words for what she said instead of her goofball retraction, would you please?

Tyler O’Neil: Yeah. So, I think the delay in this retraction speaks volumes. And again, it isn’t exactly a direct retraction, but she did very much say like, “Oh, I wasn’t comparing the two.” And it’s like she clearly was nodding at the suggestion that there’s this moral equivalence between Israel, America, Hamas, Afghanistan, and the Taliban.

And that’s just beyond the pale, quite frankly, especially when you list Israel and Hamas together. The way that Israel has been trying really hard not to endanger civilians in the recent scuffle with Hamas. That pseudo war it almost was, and the way that Hamas had specifically been using civilians as human shields. You know, these are two different moral universes.

Ilhan Omar has shown over and over again talking about whether it’s all about the Benjamins or some of her other notoriously anti-Semitic remarks and suggestions. She has been toying with the most common hatred that you see in the Middle East, which is anti-Semitism and there’s this terrifying percentage if you look at it. The Anti-Defamation League has done a lot of studies on anti-Semitism in the Middle East.

I don’t always follow the ADL and I don’t think they’re entirely accurate on everything, but it stands to reason, given the way that many of the Muslims in that particular part of the world interact with Jews. Anti-Semitism is very rife there and Ilhan Omar comes from Somalia. That’s not to say that, you know, all Somali Americans should be regarded with distrust. But in the case of Ilhan Omar, there’s more than just the suggestion that she’s taken a lot of the hatreds that are in her country with her when she came to the United States.

Barry Nussbaum: Well, before we get into too much of the words, what shocks me so much, Tyler, is the speaker of the House. The third most powerful politician in America is Nancy Pelosi. She’s the leader of the majority party. She runs the House of Representatives. She literally did nothing to condemn these horrific words.

And in her last press conference the other day, she literally refused to answer the question about her. Her, being Ilhan Omar’s inflammatory comments about Israel and just brushed it off. Did not want to answer it. Why is it that Nancy Pelosi cannot stand up to Ilhan Omar? What is she truly afraid of?

Tyler O’Neil: Well, it was very interesting. We saw shortly after the remarks, the most recent remarks. Pelosi followed after a group of Jewish Democrats who did condemn Omar. And then Pelosi and other Democratic leaders had this interesting, like pseudo condemnation where they’re like, we are appalled, and we invite Ilhan Omar to clarify her remarks.

Pretty much giving her the benefit of the doubt, even while saying that they’re condemning it. So that was a positive step. But then, as you noted, you know, as soon as this clarification came out, Pelosi stopped everything. She even defended Ilhan Omar specifically. And then, you know, she’s been radio silent.

And this just goes to show how feckless a lot of the Democratic leadership is when it comes to calling out the extremes, the radicals on their fringe. And yes, these are becoming less and less fringe. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, and her squad, they’re really dominating a lot of the conversation in the Democratic Party. This is politics for them.

Barry Nussbaum: Well, let’s talk politics. You just touched on an interesting concept that Nancy Pelosi seems to always open the door for Ilhan Omar to run away from what she’s said repeatedly. So, here’s the clarification. I want to read it to you that finally came out.

This is from Omar, “To be clear, the conversation was about accountability for specific incidents regarding the International Criminal Court cases, not a moral comparison between Hamas and the Taliban and the US and Israel. I was in no way equating terrorist organizations with democratic countries, with well-established judicial systems.”

That was written by a PR flack, not by her. It was a perfect lie because the context of what she was saying had nothing to do with the ICC. It had to do with what a hateful organization the United States and Israel are, you know, just like the major terror groups of the world.

So why in the world can she issue a statement that you and I both know she didn’t write? And number two, we both know she doesn’t mean it. And everyone lets her get away with it and the subject gets dropped. Did she just lie again and there’s no accountability?

Tyler O’Neil: Pretty much I think what you’re looking at is a Democratic Party that is so focused on its Woke goals and its agenda that it’s willing to overlook when there are, you know when incidents of hatred towards Jews shows show their heads. And I think this situation has happened again and again with squad members.

It was very fascinating to see when all of the Democrats ganged up on Marjorie Taylor Green and kicked her out of her committee assignments. I wouldn’t defend what Marjorie Taylor Green said previously. Even she gave her half-hearted pushes, condemnations, denunciations of it.

But it was interesting to see them focus so much on her while at the same time you had remarks from the squad that essentially amounted to a blood libel against Israel. Where they were saying that and this was mind-bogglingly evil, the way that they did this. They blamed Israel for not giving the COVID-19 vaccine to the Palestinians, even though, you know, the way the political system has worked.

Israel had offered to give the COVID-19 vaccines and Hamas had said, “No.” And so here you had Democrats in Congress pushing this absurd lie. Essentially trying to blame Israel and saying that Israel was killing innocent people. In a situation where Israel was actually trying to help and Hamas was the one denying any aid, and yet they got away with that.

While Marjorie Taylor Green was, you know, crucified. And that’s the kind of double standard on anti-Semitism that prevails in the Democratic Party.

Barry Nussbaum: Let’s talk about that party for a second because here’s something I don’t get. And maybe you understand it because I’m dying to hear the answer to this one. There are 435 members of the House of Representatives and 220, more than half, obviously, are Democrats.

There are 35 Jewish members, but only 12 of the Jewish members condemned Omar’s remarks. Only 12! They wrote a letter condemning her. And get this, the rest of the Congress, crickets. Nothing! In other words, the closest ally America has in that part of the world is Israel.

There’s nobody else even on the list. Israel and the United States are called terror operations and the United States Congress Democrats and Republicans can’t open their mouth and just cut this to ribbons? I don’t get it. Why was nothing said?

Tyler O’Neil: Well, I think many of the Republicans thought that this was a Democratic- like the Democrats needed to get their house in order, and I think many of them did speak out against it, against the remarks, although they did not offer a similar letter. And I almost I wish that they had.

But the fact that there were crickets after this, you know, that there weren’t more efforts and that you didn’t have the sustained outcry that you had against Marjorie Taylor Green I think it is revealing, unfortunately. I think a lot of the Republicans in Congress knew that it was going to be a losing battle if they tried to bring an overall resolution, if they tried to kick her off of committees or if they tried to do something like that. I think there was enough outcry in at least our circles in conservative media and in some legacy media outlets.

And, so, the story did get some of the traction that it needed, but it hasn’t gotten quite the traction that it deserves. And so that’s another situation here where the complications on the ground in Congress may offer some explanation that we don’t understand.

Barry Nussbaum: Well, there’s another part I don’t get, which is the press. The only interview I could find was Jake Tapper of CNN had her on. And he said to her, he gave her back her quotes, you know, anti-Semitic quote after anti-Semitic quote after anti-Israel comment.

And he asked her, “Do you regret these comments?” And she said, “I don’t you know, I was trying to make certain points.” And then Tapper brought it up again and gave her quote after quote after quote and her goofball non-answer, non-responsibility statement was, “I welcome any time my colleagues have asked to have a conversation so I can learn from them.”

I don’t even know what that means. Tapper didn’t follow up and none of the other press did at all. Nobody’s reporting this. Why?

Tyler O’Neil: Yeah. The thing that really shocked me was what she said after that, she said ‘to learn from them. For them to learn from me.’ And then she went on to say that ‘her members haven’t been partners in this.’ And here’s a direct quote, “They haven’t been equally seeking justice around the world.”

And this is in this context, Ilhan Omar is specifically talking about the Israel/Palestine the Israel/Hamas situation. I think she is condemning her Jewish fellow Democrats for supporting Israel’s right to defend itself against Hamas’s right to abuse the situation. And she is actually, you know, she gets accosted with her own anti-Semitic remarks, refuses to condemn them, and then immediately attacks her Jewish fellow Democrats in the House.

I mean, this is beyond the pale kind of stuff. And I don’t understand why it isn’t getting more coverage. Why we don’t see denunciations like we should be seeing. And when one turns to the Trump presidency, we would have seen if any Republican had made remarks like this, we would have seen all the legacy news outlets running condemnations of them.

They’d have the good old-fashioned, you know, the Republican sellout going on and saying, well, you know, I believe in Republicanism, but this was beyond the pale, yadda, yadda. And yet now we don’t see Democrats coming out and saying, oh, I support a lot of what Ilhan Omar supports, but this is- how dare she say this? They need to be saying that and if you ask me, this is almost as bad as the original comment that she made.

Barry Nussbaum: Well said, Tyler, where can people find out about you if they want to know what you’re doing?

Tyler O’Neil: Yeah. So, I write at PJ Media, I’m a senior editor there. You can find my book Making Hate Pay on Amazon. It’s The corruption of the Southern Poverty Law Center. Find me on Twitter: Tyler 2 the number two O’Neil.

Barry Nussbaum: Well thanks for coming on today Tyler and for those of you out there that haven’t subscribed, I mentioned it earlier in the program. Please text TRUTH, T-R-U-T-H to the number 88202 to sign up for free. You’ll get all of our content in the palm of your hand just for about five seconds of your precious time. For ATP Report. Thanks for joining us today. I’m Barry Nussbaum.

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Anti-Semitism Is Out of Control and Getting Worse!




Barry Nussbaum: Hello and welcome to ATP Report. I’m Barry Nussbaum. Before we get started with our special guest today, I want to remind everybody out there in ATP Land, if you’re not on our text message alert subscriber list, please check out your cell phone right now and text the word TRUTH in the message box and send it to 88202.

You’ll be signed up. You’ll get this show and all of our content absolutely for free in the palm of your hand. Let me bring on Laura Loomer. She is an investigative journalist. She’s quite well known throughout social media and politics and her commentary, and she’s a congressional candidate in Florida. Welcome back, Laura.

Laura Loomer: Thanks for having me again.

Barry Nussbaum: Absolutely. Such a pleasure. So, let’s talk about what the heck is going on in Europe right now. Anti-Semitism is exploding in every single country since the conflict between Hamas and Israel started by, continued by in an audacious manner, by the terrorists belonging to the Hamas and Islamic Jihad organizations in Gaza.

Israel had the audacity to shoot down the rockets, at least a lot of them, and retaliate by taking out the leadership of Hamas and the rocket launcher locations. And check this out, a journalist who wrote about Israel sprayed, I guess, free Gaza and Palestine on the walls of the former Warsaw ghetto, which is a World Heritage commemoration of the slaughter of the Polish Jews by the Nazis in World War II.

And if that wasn’t bad enough, she is now teaching members of the British Teachers Union because she’s an expert in anti-Semitism. Yep, the anti-Semite is teaching anti-Semitism. How is this possibly oaky, and there’s not a standing line of ten thousand people condemning it?

Laura Loomer: Yeah, well, look, the same thing is happening here in the United States. This is the progressive agenda, and unfortunately, the progressive radical leftist has decided on a worldwide level because the progressive movement isn’t just here in the United States.

Of course, this is a movement that is now infecting the entire world. Where you have these radical leftist movements that have decided to partner with groups like Antifa and Black Lives Matter, that have anti-Zionists, anti-Israel agenda items at the core of their mission statement, and that’s exactly what they’re trying to do. They’re trying to distort reality.

They’re also trying to co-opt the word anti-Semitism by saying that, you know, Arabs are Semites. This is why I personally refer to anti-Semitism as Jew-hatred when I’m talking about attacks on Jews or hate crimes against Jews. Because our own Linda Sarsour here in the United States a few years ago in New York City, I recall she was invited to a college in New York City where she was actually one of the lecture speakers on anti-Semitism.

It was a panel about anti-Semitism in which one of the biggest and most vile Jew-haters in the entire world is supposedly in authority. So, we’re fighting the same battle here, but they’re really just trying to co-opt the term anti-Semitism and make it all about Palestinians and all about Muslims while ignoring what it really is, Jew-hatred.

Barry Nussbaum: Well, listen to this. The Sky News Network, which is worldwide, has a reporter named Mark Stone, and he just issued an apology because he tweeted out to a Jewish person who had mentioned anti-Semitism to him that, “The Jew-hatred you experience is actually the consequence of the current Israeli government’s policies.”

Meaning there wasn’t anti-Semitism until there was Bibi Netanyahu and the conflict between Israel and Hamas, which is insane. And this guy, Laura, still works at Sky News. Why is the press so biased? And why isn’t there any self-corruption within the press community?

Laura Loomer: Well, it really is quite an interesting phenomenon, right? Because when you look at the press, and you look at the media, right? You have people constantly talking about the Jewish-owned media. Well, when you look at the breakdown of the media here in the United States, a lot of the executives and the owners of our media institutions are Jews.

So, you would expect them to be pro-Israel and to be speaking out aggressively against the Jew-haters within their ranks. But just as we saw when we were discussing two weeks ago, CNN had a guy on the payroll who said the world needs another Hitler. Right? And Jeff Zucker, the head of CNN, is Jewish, but yet nothing is done about this. So, the problem is, is it’s the wrong type of Jews who are overseeing the media complex.

They’re not Zionists. They’re not pro-Israel. They’re not proud Jews. These are what you call self-hating, self-loathing Jews who are doing the bidding of their enemies. Essentially, they’re walking themselves to the gas chamber by entertaining and pedestaling Jew-hatred and then paying for it by keeping these Jew-haters on their payroll.

Barry Nussbaum: Well, let’s talk about one of the most infamous on our side of the pond. You and I were actually messaging about this a couple of days ago. Where you’ve got Ilhan Omar, the leader of the ‘I hate Israel and anyone Jewish congressional delegation,’ has come out with an insane quote where she’s comparing Israel, the United States, the Hamas, and the Taliban as if they’re all the same victims and perpetrators and has not walked back that comment at all.

What in the world do you make of her thought that the United States and Israel, and Hamas are all the same, and so is the Taliban? Is this crazy to you?

Laura Loomer: Well, it is crazy. But just as I said years ago, when I was exposing Ilhan Omar prior to her even becoming a member of Congress. I warned people that this woman who was running for Congress was a full-blown jihadist. I actually caught her having a fundraiser for Hamas during her campaign season. I had exposed the fact that she was sympathetic to ISIS. She was sympathetic to the Taliban.

There are actually interviews from years ago that were dug up, and these were published years ago of Ilhan Omar laughing about Hezbollah and al-Qaida and the Taliban and smiling when talking about the 9/11 terrorist attacks that killed nearly three thousand Americans. Okay?

I also find her comments to be a little strange, given the fact that Ilhan Omar is actually pro-Hamas. She was just last week spewing tons of propaganda for Hamas. So, I don’t know if this is her way of calling American’s terrorists while also pretending like she thinks Hamas and the Taliban are terrorist organizations.

Because I know I have a video of myself confronting Ilhan Omar asking her to condemn Hamas, and she refused to do so. So, she definitely is pro-Hamas. She’s definitely pro-Taliban. We’ve seen the video of her laughing about the 9/11 terrorist attacks, but we already know that she thinks Israel is a terrorist state.

I mean, she has been spewing blood libel against Jews and Christians, and America for years now. She has no loyalty to America as a United States congresswoman. Her only loyalty is to Islam. To Sharia law, which she fully embraces.

Barry Nussbaum: So, here’s something that ought to be easy. Like falling out of your chair and hitting the floor easy, Laura. The Democratic members of the caucus that aren’t part of ‘The Squad,’ who have been strong backers of the US/Israel relationship militarily, economically, socially, and our common religions, not to mention the fact that they’re the first line of defense against worldwide terror; by that, I mean Israel, they ought to be able to get together and very simply say you are not representing the views of the Democrat Party, and we’re going to build a wall around you.

Even though she says these horrible things they can’t come out with a simple statement Laura Loomer that says, ‘Ilhan, Omar, stop it. What you’re saying is anti-Semitic.’ They can’t agree on a condemnation letter.

Laura Loomer: Look, we were talking about this last time I was on your show about how support for Israel used to be a bipartisan issue, wasn’t even a debate between the Democrat and the Republican Party. It was one of those issues that they found common ground on.

But now, just as President Trump has famously said, ‘The Democrat Party is now the party of Jew-haters and Israel haters.’ And this isn’t anything new. If you recall, one of the very first things Ilhan Omar did when she became a member of Congress and was sworn in. Is she said that Jews were all about the ‘Benjamins,’ right?

And she tried to say that America was bought and paid for by Israel. And she is constantly, she has a documented history of attacking Jews online and entertaining Holocaust deniers. Inviting Holocaust deniers to participate with her in Congress with Rashida Tlaib. The Democrats when they passed their ‘anti-Semitism Resolution,’ they still wouldn’t condemn Ilhan Omar.

Nancy Pelosi still wouldn’t use Ilhan Omar’s name. In fact, she decided that doing so would increase ‘Islamophobia.’ And so, what did she do? Well, they took a delegation trip to Africa, and then she decided to pose in a photo where she was holding Ilhan Omar’s hand. So, Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the House, you know, she has no problem holding hands with a blatant Jew-hater.

Of course, the Democrat Party isn’t going to openly condemn Ilhan Omar because in this day and age, ‘The Squad’ is now running the Democrat Party. And as we all know, speaking the truth about Islam or criticizing Jew-hatred that comes out of the mouth of Muslim people is ‘Islamophobia.’ Right? And that’s a bannable offense on social media.

I was banned and de-platformed everywhere for calling Ilhan Omar anti-Jewish. And if you are a member of Congress and you dare, call out Ilhan Omar for being a Jew-hater and a terrorist sympathizer, well, you’re just such an anti-Muslim bigot. You’re just a big old Islamophobe.

Barry Nussbaum: Very well said, Laura. And I couldn’t agree with you more. Tell people how they can get in touch with you or learn what you’re doing and your various endeavors. Would you please?

Laura Loomer: Yeah. So, my website is, You can subscribe to my website to get my email updates. I’m banned on all social media, so you won’t be finding me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or any of those things. But I am on Gabb at Laura Loomer. I’m on telegram at Loomered Official, and I’m going to be doing weekly reports with ATP’s.

So, you’ll be able to follow me here by subscribing, and you’ll be able to get my content by subscribing to ATP’s text updates, where you’ll be able to see all of my video reports on a weekly basis. And then, if you’re interested in supporting my congressional campaign, you can go to Laura Loomer for I’m running in Florida’s 21st District, which is the most Jewish district in the entire country.

Barry Nussbaum: Quite a summary, and I appreciate the plug for ATP Report. And it’s a perfect segue for me to say, please sign up if you haven’t, just text the word TRUTH and send it to 88202. For Laura, I’m Barry Nussbaum. Thanks for joining us on ATP Report.

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