Really Dumb Things They Said
Biden Funded The Palestinian Authority
Hello, and welcome to American Truth Project’s, Really Dumb Things, They Said. I’m Barry Nussbaum.
Fatah is the Palestinian Authority’s political party. It’s headed up by Mahmoud Abbas, the President of the Palestinian Authority. This is the group that Trump cut off their funding for due to their continued support for payments to followers who kill or attempt to kill Israeli Jews. Trump said, stop it, or I’ll cut off the money. Abbas said no, and Trump cut off the money.
Well, now what happened? Well, Biden put their funding back. How does the P.A., the Palestinian Authority reward American generosity by stopping the hate, by no longer encouraging murder, by cutting off terror funding? No. For example, senior Fatah official Tawfik Tirawi has previously stated in a television interview that, “Hitler was not morally corrupt. He was daring.” Tirawi’s approach even offended the Palestinian interviewer on television, who quickly changed the topic.
Similarly, the Palestinians have now named three schools after Nazi collaborators from World War II, as well as after terrorists, including murderers such as Dalal Mugrabi. One school was named after a Nazi collaborator and war criminal Amin Al-Husseini. Two others were named after Nazi collaborator Hassan Salameh, assuring that the educational message is emphasized.
At least two Palestinian schools have posted pictures of Hitler. Accompanied with the text, “Hitler said, I could have annihilated all the Jews in the world, but I left a few, so you would know why I annihilated them.” I’ll pause so that it can soak in.
Shame on the Palestinians, and shame on our current President for giving them money that will support more and more murderers.
Dumb, dumb, and dumb.